A downloadable game for Windows

As it’s nearing to the Christmas holidays, we decided to use this years Game Jam theme ‘Missing’ to our advantage and based our game on the infamous folklore figure Krampus. The story of Krampus dates back to the 17th century and is said to be a folklore to scare children from misbehaving the reason. Though his punishments are originally tame, we decided to lean towards a more morbid depiction which is why all the children have gone missing in the story(he has taken them away).

Game Created for Games Now! Game Jam Autumn 2023


Cian Fitzpatrick- Sound Designer and Asset Modelling

Daniele Uzpoleviciute- Asset Design, Artist 

Ciaran Farrelly – Programmer

 Albus Gallardo – UI Designer, Level Designer 

Kurtis Brady- Asset Design 

Samuel O'Reilly- Level Designer, Programmer


Krampus Download

Install instructions

Download the Zip file.  Open the Build folder, play KrampusGame.exe

KrampusGame -> Build -> KrampusGame.exe

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